IASR Student Awards

Student members of IASR are eligible to apply for multiple awards to support proposed research or recognize outstanding completed work. 

The purpose of the SRDA is to provide funds to support mentored research that fosters the development of research skills and intellectual development of IASR student members beginning a career focused on sexuality research. Two awards are made annually in the amount of $1,000 USD.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Recipients may be students from any discipline who are enrolled in a graduate program and engaging in sex research

    • Persons with completed terminal degrees (for example, those in post-doctoral programs) are not eligible unless working toward a second degree (e.g., another Masters, PhD, MD, or JD) with verification required by contacting iasradmin@gmail.com before submitting an SRDA application

  • IASR student membership is required, and dues must be paid for the current and any relevant previous years

  • Collaboration and support of at least one qualified research mentor is required

    • Mentors are not required to be IASR members

  • Although attendance at the Annual Meeting is advisable, applicants are not required to attend the conference to be considered for the award

  • Previous winners are ineligible

Students may submit online by the May 1, 2025 deadline. Consult the PDF guide to learn what information you will be asked to provide. Upon submission, mentors will be automatically sent a request for support of the student’s application, with recommendations due by May 5, 2025. Awards will be announced during the closing banquet of the Annual Meeting, and any awardees not in attendance will be notified by email afterward. Awardees are required to acknowledge IASR support in all project-related scientific presentations or publications. For a list of past winners, click here.

Completed research by IASR student members is solicited annually for the Best Student Manuscript Award. The award is valued at $1,000 USD, and winners are invited to give a brief communication on their research at the conference.

Eligibility information: 

  • To be eligible for consideration, the student must be a student member of IASR in good standing and first author of the manuscript, which should be substantially their work

  • Articles currently under review, in revision, accepted for publication, or published in the past calendar year will be considered

    • If the manuscript is not already submitted or accepted elsewhere, the student will be encouraged to submit the manuscript to the Archives of Sexual Behavior, where it will undergo the usual peer-review process

  • Student submissions must be supported by a supervisor or mentor, who will be asked to confirm their support by the submission deadline

  • Past winners are ineligible, and we will accept one submission per student per year

Submissions were due by February 15, 2025. Students are asked to de-identify the manuscript and upload it as a Microsoft Word document. Once it has been submitted, the identified mentor will be emailed to review and endorse the manuscript (by the same deadline) before it is forwarded for review by the Awards Committee. For a list of past winners and links to winning manuscripts, please click here.

Brief communications, data blitzes, and poster presentations are judged by a panel at each year's conference. Oral presentations are generally reviewed live, and all student member presenters are automatically considered with no need to apply. Students interested in consideration for a poster award will be asked to submit a PDF of their poster for pre-review shortly before the conference. Each award is valued at $250 USD, and winners are announced at the closing banquet. For a list of past winners, click here.

Although funding may vary from year to year, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)’s Institute of Gender and Health (IGH) has for the past few years offered awards to honor the work of Canadian trainees who present research at IASR conferences. These $250 CAD awards are designed to recognize those trainees from Canadian Institutions whose work show the best integration of sex as a biological variable and/or gender as a social determinant of health into research. Typically, one award is given for an oral presentation and one for a poster. Canadian student presenters are automatically considered with no need to apply. For a list of past winners, click here.