IASR Listserv Policy

IASR shall make available a members-only online communications forum (“IASR Listserv,” “listserv”) for the exchange of ideas and other professional communications among members. This listserv is not formally moderated, however members of the Executive Committee will informally monitor listserv content.

All IASR members are automatically subscribed to 2 listservs:

  • IASRinfo-L: This one-way distribution listserv is used by the IASR Executive to send information to all members. Announcements about the conference, dues payments, awards, and more will come from this listserv, along with occasional messages from those who have submitted a listserv announcement request.

  • IASRstudent-L: This listserv is open to all student members for discussion of gender, sex, and sexuality research and related topics. Any student listserv member can send emails to the rest of the student listserv membership.

Members are free to unsubscribe from the above listservs by sending an email to list@list.iu.edu with the subject line “unsubscribe XXXX” (replacing XXXX with the specific listserv name) and leaving the body of the email blank. Please note that each time your membership is renewed, you will be automatically resubscribed.

IASR members agree to abide by the following requirements and restrictions:

I. Membership requirements

The listserv is designed exclusively for IASR members. Members shall not

  • Share the listserv address with colleagues or acquaintances

  • Share listserv posts with non-members without explicit permission (e.g., job advertisements that invite readers to share widely)

II. Participation requirements

IASR members may use the listserv announcement form to request to share a message with the listserv. All requests will be reviewed by IASR administrators and discussed with the Executive Board if needed. Those requesting to share a message with the listserv are expected to…

  • Adhere to the IASR Code of Conduct (https://www.iasrsite.org/code-of-conduct) in all listserv communications

  • Engage in respectful and professional discourse, including discussion of strong, differing opinions

  • Refrain from posting material that is abusive, bullying, coercive, defamatory, demeaning, harassing, illegal, intimidating, libelous, or threatening

III. Violations

IASR members who have experienced or witnessed a violation of this Listserv policy may submit a report to the Executive via the IASR Misconduct Reporting Form (https://www.iasrsite.org/reporting-misconduct). Violation of the listserv policy may result in temporary or permanent suspension from the listserv.

IV. Liability

IASR is not responsible for the content of individual posts or for any statements or opinions made by listserv members. IASR is not liable for any unauthorized or illegal use of the listservs, or for any loss or damage incurred as a result of that unauthorized or illegal use. The opinions and views expressed via listserv posts are the members’ individual opinions and views, which do not reflect the positions of IASR or its Executive.