Membership Renewal for IASR

Membership Dues

  • Full member dues are $180 USD

  • Retired member dues are $110 USD

    • You must have previously applied via email to for retired membership to qualify for this rate

  • Student member dues are $80 USD

When you pay your membership fees, you will have options to pay for 1-3 years and optionally make a donation to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. Currently, membership payments are only being accepted in USD.

Membership Information

Even if you have paid dues in a prior year, you will be prompted once annually to update your information for our membership directory and email listservs. You may choose whether you would like to share your contact information, research interests, etc. with others or not. Additionally, you may optionally provide demographic information to give us a better sense of the current make-up of our membership.

How to Renew Your Membership

If you are an existing member, you will be emailed a personalized link each January to confirm or update your membership information and pay dues. Alternatively, you can use this form to retrieve your link. After completing all steps, you will be emailed a receipt and a link to update/edit your provided information at any point during the year.

If you are a newly approved member, you can use this form to create your member record and pay dues. You will need a token from IASR administrators to ensure that you register at the right member level. Please note that tokens are updated yearly, so if you were invited to join as a member in a prior year but did not do so, you may need an updated token from IASR administrators to create your member record and pay dues now.